Sunday, June 23, 2024

Excerpt from "Stranger in the Darkness"


    She would get lost in those eyes.  The deepness of the brown felt infinite.  So much to be found in the lost depths of the iris. So many stories she yearned to know. "Tell me all your secrets.  Tell me all your fantasies."  She begged to know him for what lies beneath.

    The deeper she dived into those depths, oh the stars she found!  She loved those stars.  "Take me to your galaxy, let me cross into the abyss.  Let me get lost in you."

    He would never truly know how much she desired his mere presence.  How following his stars would lead her home. 

Monday, June 17, 2024

A Love Hate Passion

 I hate how I falter in your arms,

Or how I melt on your lips.

I hate how I crumble before you,

When your hands reach my hips. 

I love the way you hold me still,

and the way you tell me no.

I love the way you say you want me,

and the way you don't let go. 

You take away my control,

when you grab me by the hair.

With every kiss I lose a breath

With every breath a little less care...

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Fear of Healing

You could calm the waves 
that crashed through my brain.
You could tame the flames
that burned in my rage.
You never feared the war that I waged. 

You feared nothing I threw.
Except for my love.
That, my dear, is trauma so true
To fear the only thing 
That could really heal you.

Finding Me Poem

This poem was wrote this year, and is the first poem I chose to share in almost 2 decades. It's about acceptance of ones self. 

Finding Me

The ground shakes,
The wind breaks.
As the rain pours 
And the thunder roars.
She lifts her head to those stars.
Moonlight shines on those pretty scars.

This is home,
This is life.
But this is mine.

Her head held high,
She stares to the sky.
Tears stain her face,
As she decides to take her place.
She is bruised and broken,
And all these words left unspoken. 

I'm still here 
Buried deep below,
Come find me.

In Your Eyes Poem

     This poem I wrote in 2002, I was a sophomore in high school.  I feel like it is an appropriate start to this blog.  People tend to assume and make accusations about things they do not understand.  For years I have buried my writing for this very reason.  Today, I step out into the light and will bear all to see.  This poem is a note that the eyes can lie.  Assume nothing. 


I am,

what I am.

I can be,

what I want to be.

I know,

what I am capable of.

Just why can't you see?

You see,

imaginary me.

Instead of seeing,

deep down inside,

I am a human being. 

I am wrong,

I am weak.

But in your eyes,

It's all lies. 

In your eyes,

you see me,

a fake identity. 

I am this,

I am that,

I am everything

but me. 

In your eyes,

of all lies.

Excerpt from "Stranger in the Darkness"

      She would get lost in those eyes.  The deepness of the brown felt infinite.  So much to be found in the lost depths of the iris. So ma...