Sunday, June 9, 2024

In Your Eyes Poem

     This poem I wrote in 2002, I was a sophomore in high school.  I feel like it is an appropriate start to this blog.  People tend to assume and make accusations about things they do not understand.  For years I have buried my writing for this very reason.  Today, I step out into the light and will bear all to see.  This poem is a note that the eyes can lie.  Assume nothing. 


I am,

what I am.

I can be,

what I want to be.

I know,

what I am capable of.

Just why can't you see?

You see,

imaginary me.

Instead of seeing,

deep down inside,

I am a human being. 

I am wrong,

I am weak.

But in your eyes,

It's all lies. 

In your eyes,

you see me,

a fake identity. 

I am this,

I am that,

I am everything

but me. 

In your eyes,

of all lies.

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